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Lampa lucrata manual in stil industrial inspirata de elemente naturale (nautilus – un animal marin) executata dintr-un material nobil (cupru). Nuanta calda, naturala a cuprului evolueaza in timp imbogatindu-se cu o patina plina de noblete. Poate asigura iluminatul ambiental intr-o locuinta sau spatiu comercial (cafenea, restaurant, hol de hotel). Lumina emisa este asemanatoare luminii de crepuscul, cu o nuanta calda, odihnitoare.

Corp de iluminat modelat prin tehnici traditionale (handmade)  in forma unei ciuperci. Forma sa usor asimetrica este apropiata de aspectul natural. Culoarea  cuprului precum si patina obtinuta in timp ii confera o nota de eleganta si rafinament. Se armonizeaza cu usurinta cu o gama larga de culori si texturi si ofera un plus de caldura spatiului in care este asezata. Poate fi utilizata ca lampa de masa.

This lamp was created using traditional techniques (handmade) inspired by the shape of the well-known Japanese historic buildings. Copper, a noble natural material, evolves over time covered by a patina full of authenticity. If it is desired to maintain the initial appearance of the lamp, it is necessary to polish it. It can be used as a table lamp in a living or office space.

Lighting fixture modeled using traditional techniques (handmade) in the shape of a lily flower. The pink-gold color is given by polished and lacquered copper - a material that inspires warmth and calm. It easily harmonizes with a wide range of colors and textures creating a relaxing atmosphere. It can be used either as a table lamp or as a ceiling light/lamp in a living space.

This lamp was created using traditional techniques (handmade) inspired by the shape of the well-known Japanese historic buildings. Copper, a noble natural material, evolves over time covering itself with a patina full of authenticity and elegance. If it is desired to maintain the initial appearance of the lamp, it is necessary to polish it. It can be used either as a table lamp or as a ceiling light in a living space or in one with a commercial destination (restaurant, hotel, bar, shop).

The lamp was made using traditional techniques (handmade) inspired by the shape of the well-known and delicate wild flowers whose name it bears. Copper, a noble natural material, evolves over time covering itself with a patina full of warmth. If it is desired to maintain the initial appearance of the lamp, it is necessary to polish it. It can be used as a ceiling lamp in homes (kitchens, hallways) or in commercial spaces.

Lampa  creeata prin tehnici traditionale (handmade)  inspirata de forma binecunoscutelor cladiri istorice japoneze. Cuprul, un material natural nobil , evolueaza in timp acoperindu-se cu o patina plina de autenticitate si eleganta. Daca se doreste mentinerea aspectului initial al lampii este necesara lustruirea sa. Poate fi utilizata fie ca lampa de masa fie ca plafoniera intr-un spatiu de locuit sau intr-unul cu destinatie comerciala (restaurant, hotel, bar, magazin).

This lamp was shaped using traditional techniques (handmade) and resembles a mushroom. Its slightly asymmetrical shape is close to the natural appearance. The color of the copper as well as the patina obtained over time gives it a note of elegance and refinement. It harmonizes easily with a wide range of colors and textures and offers extra warmth to the space in which it is placed. It can be used as a table lamp.

This lamp was created using traditional techniques (handmade) inspired by the shape of the well-known Japanese historic buildings. Copper, a noble natural material, evolves over time covered by a patina full of authenticity. If it is desired to maintain the initial appearance of the lamp, it is necessary to polish it. It can be used as a table lamp in a living or office space.

Lighting fixture modeled using traditional techniques (handmade) in the shape of a lily flower. The pink-gold color is given by polished and lacquered copper - a material that inspires warmth and calm. It easily harmonizes with a wide range of colors and textures creating a relaxing atmosphere. It can be used either as a table lamp or as a ceiling light/lamp in a living space.